
谷歌为何关停字典服务 || Why is google dictionary shutdown

谷歌字典(Google Dictionary)最近突然下线,向来以“不作恶”为标杆的谷歌无厘头地突发此举,既没有事先告知,也没有事后解释,所以很让谷歌用户受不了。这些天来,网上字典用户对谷歌的抗议之声越发激烈,都在问为什么,呼吁“字典回来”,草根网民对谷歌大面积、集中式地炮轰,似乎还是第一次,谷歌笔记本(Google Notebook)下线时,虽然也很让人郁闷,但可能由于用户较少的缘故,由于是未完全下线(不再开发维护,不再接受新用户),影响远没有这次那么坏。与此同时,恰逢谷歌在企业层面渐入“四面楚歌”的境地,谷歌确实应该重拾“用户体验”的老调子,认真考虑下用户的感受了。




Hi everyone,

As many of you know, we've recently introduced a dictionary tool into Google Web Search to help you quickly look up the definition of a word,. Because the dictionary tool offers the same functionality as Google Dictionary, we've decided to discontinue dictionary.google.com.

For your definition needs, you can type your query right into the search box and use the dictionary tool located in the left-hand panel on the results page, or you can type [define (your word)] right into the search box.

I want to thank those of who who've been loyal users of dictionary.google.com and welcome you to share your feedback on how the dictionary tool can be improved.



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人生苦短 said...
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