

这两天Dell的Win8系统经历莫名的蓝屏,然后在杀死所有当前进程后自动重启。蓝屏的频率越来越高,时间间隔越来越短。意识到系统出故障了,根据Windows Crash前提供的错误信息(包括什么头文件丢失、内存管理异常等等,每次崩溃信息各异),网上(包括在360上)搜索问题原因和解决方案,搜索到的解决方案各种各样,有的狠的直言内存出问题了,重装系统云云,没有找到有帮助的信息。

静下心来,自己想解决办法,最终通过Dell自带的PC Checkup工具,不仅找到了问题原因,而且轻松解决了问题,哪有重装系统那么吓人?把Debug过程和截图提供如下,供他人遇此蓝屏故障时参考。

1) PC Checkup有个很有用的工具,可以查看每次蓝屏前的问题文件。通过此工具,发现多次蓝屏,由hao123protect.sys此驱动文件造成。

2) 细看,这个文件不是自己所做的安装,蓝屏及各种系统故障十有八九跟此无良文件有关。于是再谷歌一下,果不其然,也有其他蓝屏用户在网上怒骂度娘。于是果断删除,并对注册表做相应清理。

3) 经过以上操作,蓝屏再没有出现, 好了。在此过程中,还发现一个不错的注册表清理软件,Wise Care 365 Pro.


好书:大话移动APP测试-Android与 iOS应用测试指南


Top 8 Mobile Emulators to Make Your Web Site Mobile-Friendly | Bughuntress

Mobile devices have spread greatly in a last few years and are about to crowd out laptops and computers from our personal lives. The majority of searches nowadays are maintained through smartphones and tablets, and more and more Internet activities of users are done on mobile platforms. Therefore, it has become significantly important to adopt web sites for smartphones and tablets in order to reach a wide audience.

To make a web page mobile-friendly, it is necessary to test it across different mobile platforms. To simplify this process mobile phones emulators have been introduces. These enable testing websites on one device applying the environments of such mobile platforms as Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry and others. They are perfect for measuring the functionality and responsiveness of web sites on several mobile platforms at a time on both QWERTY and touch-based devices. More>>


An Improvement Suggestion on Evernote Sorting Feature

As one of the non-testing tools, Evernote deserves a honorable mention of the best and fantastic tool helpful for my everyday work and life.

Right recently, I noticed the tool has a flaw, or more precisely , its sorting feature needs to be improved. Currently, Evernote only allows a global sorting, i.e., your sorting settings will automatically apply to all your notes, but it is impossible to have different sorting settings for your individual notes.

Apparently, not all notes deserve the same order. For example, My Weather Alerts notes received from IFTTT are better to be sorted by Updated with Reverse order, and meanwhile, I'd like my technical notes to be sorted in an alphabetic order, that will be more convenient for me to scroll and locate the target note.

So a ticket issued to the Evernote Support team, and hopefully they will return with some positive feedback.


Update on 2014-04-18:

Cool. My suggestion on sorting feature was accepted by Evernote and will be put in production with its next release. So Evernote users will be able to make different sorting settings for individual notebooks.